What to say during a job interview?
You have studied common interview questions and answers, but what should you say to persuade them to hire you?  Listed below are some phrases you can incorporate in your job interview.

Beginning of interview
You want to present yourself as polite, professional, and conscientious.
“I’m pleased to meet you!”
“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.”

If you know someone at the company, you might incorporate it into the conversation.
“I was happy when _______ told me this position was open!  I have heard wonderful things about this company.”

During the interview:
Let them know you have researched the company and the role in which you are applying.
“I’ve done some research, and I’m excited to learn more about your company from you.” or
“I’ve reviewed the job description, and it fits well with my experience and qualifications.”
(Be ready to explain your experience and qualifications and how they align)
“In my previous roles I have done similar tasks, for example…”
“This position aligns with my goals, I’d really like to build my career with this company”

End of the Interview Questions
“When do you plan on making a decision on this role?”
“Do you have any other questions for me to make your decision easier?”
“I am interested in this position, what are the next steps in the interview process?”

 Interview Ending
“I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me today.”

Thank you note:
A thank you note sent via email or mail is encouraged after the interview.
I enjoyed learning more about the “role” at “company”.  I believe my qualifications make me an excellent choice for this position.  Please contact me if you have any further questions regarding my experience.  I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Best of luck!