Employee Resources:

Employee Handbook





This handbook is designed to help make your employment with us as beneficial for you as possible. After you review it, keep it as a handy resource. And, remember: Vest Professional Placement / Peoplease (“Staffing Agency”) is always available to answer your questions personally. 

Our Commitment / Our Brand: When you become an associate of Vest Professional Placement you not only join a team that is committed to excellence but you also become a member of a company that: 

  • Rewards excellence and innovation 
  • Recognizes individual contributions 
  • Provides competitive pay and benefits 
  • Encourages professional growth and development that is consistent with interest and abilities 
  • Supports open communication 


People: We care about people and the role of work in their lives. We respect people as individuals, trusting them, supporting them, enabling them to achieve their aims in work and in life. We help people develop their careers though planning work, coaching and training. We recognize everyone’s contribution to our success – our staff, our clients and our candidates. We encourage and reward achievement. 


Knowledge: We share our knowledge, our expertise and our resources, so that everyone understands what is important now and what is happening next in the world of work – and knows how best to respond. We actively listen and act upon this information to improve our relationships, solutions and services. Based on our understanding of the world of work, we actively pursue the development and adoption of the best practices worldwide. 


Innovation: We lead in the world of work. We dare to innovate, to pioneer and to evolve. We never accept the status quo. We constantly challenge the norm to find new and better ways to do things. We thrive on our entrepreneurial spirit and speed of response; taking risks, knowing that we will not always succeed, but never exposing our associates or clients to risk. 


Variety and Flexibility: Working on assignments for “Staffing Agency” enables you to work for one employer but in many different environments. You may prefer the flexibility that different assignments provide, as well as the ability to explore different work environments. Or, you may prefer to be hired by one of “Staffing Agency”‘s clients. There may be opportunities for both.

Your employment with “Staffing Agency” is “at-will.” That means your assignment and/or your employment can be terminated for any reason, with or without cause and with or without notice. At the termination of your employment, “Staffing Agency” is not liable for wages or salary except those you earned prior to the date of termination. 

This handbook is not intended to be a contract of employment or a guarantee of employment benefits or rights. “Staffing Agency”  reserves the right to modify, suspend, revoke, terminate, or change in whole or in part, any of its policies, procedures, practices or benefits at any time, with or without notice. 


Vest Professional Placement/Peoplease is Your Employer: Whether you’re on a short- or long- term assignment with our client, you are still a Vest Professional Placement/Peoplease employee. 

Call your Representative to tell us if: 

  • The work environment appears unsafe. 
  • You’re sick or injured on the job, or feel you can’t complete a job. 
  • You’ve changed your address, telephone number, email address or banking relationship that would impact direct deposit. 
  • You feel the Anti-Harassment/Anti-Discrimination Policy is being violated. 


If injured on the Job: It’s our sincere hope that you’re never injured on the job. However, if you are injured, we want you to receive the best, most appropriate care without delay. If you’re injured at work, notify your supervisor immediately and call your representative as soon as possible the same day. 


Satisfaction / Recognition


It’s important to experience a sense of satisfaction and pride, as well as to receive recognition for a job well done. 



It’s essential that you thoroughly understand all policies. Please review the ones presented here.  


Equal Employment Opportunity: We strive to ensure that we represent these values. “Staffing Agency” does not discriminate against any individual based on age, race, religious beliefs, national origin, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status, or any other status protected by law. Equal employment opportunity is the law; it is also an extension of our core values: “We care about people and the role of work in their lives” and “we recognize everyone’s contribution to our success”. 

Anti-Harassment/Anti-Discrimination: All employees are entitled to work in an environment that is free from harassment, hostility, and intimidation. “Staffing Agency” strictly prohibits any offensive or unwelcome physical, written, or verbal conduct regarding any person’s age, race, religious beliefs, national origin, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status, or any other status protected by law. 

Harassment is defined as discriminatory conduct such as intimidation or ridicule based on gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, religion, disability, or other as is protected by law that creates an offensive work environment. Examples include, but are not limited to: unsolicited or unwarranted remarks, innuendoes, jokes, verbal abuse, threats, and taunting. 

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature where an employee feels compelled to comply with the harassment as part of continued employment, job betterment, or where the harassment interferes with an employee’s work creating an intimidating or hostile work environment. Examples include, but are not limited to: 

  • unsolicited or unwanted physical contact, 
  • leering or staring, 
  • sexually explicit or derogatory comments, 
  • unwelcome questions or conversation about sexual activities, and 
  • the display or circulation of sexually explicit or derogatory pictures or other materials. 

“Staffing Agency” requests that your report all incidents of discrimination or harassment to us. Contact your “Staffing Agency”, and/or Human Resources at 816-282-6288. 

“Staffing Agency” endorses an open door policy where all employees should feel free to discuss concerns or other work-related issues with management. 

If unsatisfied or uncomfortable, you should contact the Branch or Senior Manager at the Vest Professional Placement office at 816-282-6288. 

“Staffing Agency”’s response to a sexual harassment or discriminatory conduct complaint includes: 

    • Confidentiality: We will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible under the specific circumstances. 
    • Investigation and Discipline: “Staffing Agency”  will promptly and thoroughly investigate all discrimination and harassment complaints. If it is determined that inappropriate conduct has occurred, “Staffing Agency” will provide an appropriate remedy, including, but not limited to, the discipline and/or termination of the offending employee. 
    • Zero Tolerance of Retaliation: Retaliation will not be tolerated in any form toward anyone who in good faith makes a complaint or participates in an investigation. 

  • Anyone who is unsatisfied with action taken or not taken as a result of a complaint can appeal to the Branch Manager at Vest Professional Placement at 816-282-6288. 


Leave of Absence

Family & Medical Leave Act: “Staffing Agency’s” Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy complies with the Federal FMLA and applicable state laws. Following is a summary of this policy. Please note that the policy may vary slightly from state to state depending on state or local law. To be eligible for FMLA benefits, you must have worked for “Staffing Agency”       : 

  • For at least 12 months (need not be consecutive) 
  • A minimum of 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months. 

An eligible associate may be provided up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12month period for one or more of the following reasons: 

  • The birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child 
  • The care of a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition 
  • The care of oneself because of a serious health condition. 
  • Military family leave for a qualifying exigency arising out of an impending call or order to active duty. An eligible associate may also be provided up to a total of 26 workweeks of unpaid leave in a single 12-month period for Military Caregiver Leave to care for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury incurred in the line of duty on active duty. 


If both spouses are employed by “Staffing Agency”, they are jointly entitled to a combined total of 12 workweeks for birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child, or 26 work weeks of Military Caregiver Leave. Leave for childbirth, adoption or foster care must conclude within 12 months of birth or placement. 


“Staffing Agency” will maintain group health insurance coverage for an associate on FMLA leave if the associate was enrolled in the group health plan prior to taking the FMLA leave of absence. Upon being approved for FMLA, you will be advised of the procedure for paying any required premiums. In some instances, “Staffing Agency” may recover premiums paid to maintain health coverage for an associate who fails to return to work from FMLA leave. Use of FMLA will not result in the loss of any employment benefit earned or that you may have been entitled to before the FMLA leave. On your return, you will be reinstated to the same or equivalent position as required by law. When seeking FMLA leave, you’re required to provide to a “Staffing Agency”: 

  • Thirty-day advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when the need is foreseeable 
  • Notice of an unforeseeable leave as soon as practical after learning of the need for leave generally within the usual and customary notice and procedural requirements for reporting absences 
  • Medical certification supporting the need for leave due to a serious health condition affecting the associate or an eligible family member 
  • Periodic re-certification if applicable and necessary) 

“Staffing Agency” will also inform you of your rights and responsibilities under FMLA once you provide notice of leave. This includes specific information about what is required from you and what might happen in certain circumstances. For more information, please contact your “Staffing Agency”. 

Time Off For School Conferences and Juvenile Proceedings: Subject to the conditions set forth below, and provided that Human Resources receives advance notice, every parent, guardian or custodian of a child will be granted up to four (4) hours of unpaid leave per child to attend parent-teacher conferences, attend school-related activities, volunteer, or be involved in, attend or participate in school- sponsored events and programs. 

Leave must be taken at a time mutually agreed upon by you and “Staffing Agency” and must be taken in increments of at least one hour. Requests for leave under this policy must be made in writing and submitted to your “Staffing Agency” representative no less than five (5) school days before the date for which leave is requested; and, any employee who takes leave pursuant to this policy must provide “Staffing Agency” with documentation establishing that the employee actually attended or was otherwise involved in a qualifying activity. Such documentation must be provided no later than five (5) business days after the date on which leave was taken. 

In the event your child has an emergency while at school, or your child’s school administrator requests that you attend a school conference on less than five (5) school days’ notice, please contact your “Staffing Agency” to arrange for time off. You will be required to provide documentation verifying the emergency or school conference. To the extent possible, this documentation should be provided prior to your absence. If provision of the documentation prior to the absence is impracticable, proper documentation must be submitted within five (5) business days after leave is taken. 


Provided that you give advance notice to your “Staffing Agency” or Human Resources, you will be granted leave to attend court hearings or sessions with or on behalf of your child. 

Witness and Jury Duty: “Staffing Agency” permits you to be absent from work for jury duty or to serve as a witness as required by law. If you receive a subpoena or a jury summons, please notify your supervisor immediately so that “Staffing Agency” may make arrangements to accommodate your absence. You are expected to return to work as soon as your service as a witness is completed. Unless your jury service lasted more than four or more hours on any given day, you are expected to report for work whenever the court schedule permits you to do so. 

Voting: Although polls are open for extended hours, we realize that in some instances our employees are required to work overtime and may find that these hours are not sufficient to enable them to make it to the polls. If you have a problem in this respect, please let your supervisor know so that we can make arrangements for you to have the necessary time off to vote. 

Substance Abuse: Alcohol and drug abuse can cause health, safety, and security problems. “Staffing Agency” expects all associates to assist in maintaining a work environment free from the effects of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances. In addition, associates are prohibited from reporting to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

Our Policy: “Staffing Agency’s”  Substance Abuse Policy prohibits the workplace distribution, sale, purchase, possession, or use of narcotics, drugs, alcohol, inappropriate use of prescription medication, or any illegal or controlled substance. Any associate whose manager/supervisor has a reasonable suspicion that the associate is in violation of this policy may be required to undergo a drug/alcohol test as permissible under state law. Violations of this policy may result in termination of employment. 

“Staffing Agency” reserves the right to drug test for the following reasons: 

  • Pre-employment purposes, as required by our client 
  • For Cause – When either “Staffing Agency” or the client has any reason to believe that a drug problem exists (such as evidence of drugs, fights, or other behavioral symptoms of drug abuse, negative performance patterns, excessive tardiness or absenteeism). 
  • Accidents or injuries in the workplace – “Staffing Agency” associates who refuse to submit to drug testing, test positive, or admit to substance abuse will be subject to termination. The results of all drug testing will be treated confidentially and will not be released to any person or organization unless permitted or required by law, and for no other purpose other than for “Staffing Agency” to make employment-related decisions. 

Legal use of drugs is permitted on the job only if the drug: 

  1. Is prescribed by a physician and for the associate taking the drug 2. Does not impair the associate’s ability to perform his/her job effectively and safely. 

 Any associate who is taking an over the counter or prescription drug while working must notify his/her manager if the medication may affect or impair work performance or safety. 

 Violence-Free Workplace: “Staffing Agency” is strongly committed to providing a violence-free workplace and has adopted a zero tolerance policy. Violence, threats of violence, or intimidation of “Staffing Agency” staff or associates, vendors, or client employees will not be tolerated. Examples include, but are not limited to: 

  • Hitting or shoving an individual 
  • Threatening harm to an individual or his/her family, friends, or associates 
  • The intentional damage or destruction of, or threat of damage or destruction to, property 
  • Harassing or threatening phone calls 
  • Harassing surveillance or stalking 
  • The suggestion or intimidation that violence is appropriate 
  • Possession or use of firearms or weapons. Possession or use of firearms or weapons under any circumstances on “Staffing Agency”      or client property or elsewhere in connection with employment with “Staffing Agency” will not be tolerated consistent with applicable state law. 

Violations of this policy may result in termination of employment.

If you experience an actual or perceived threat of physical violence including intimidation, harassment, or coercion, immediately report the incident to your manager/supervisor. In life- threatening or emergency situations, call your local police department or “911”. 

Solicitation/Distribution: This policy applies to solicitation, distribution and loitering in and on “Staffing Agency” and our clients’ premises. This policy is deemed necessary because “Staffing Agency” recognizes the need restrict and control loitering, solicitations, postings, and the distribution of literature on its and our clients’ premises for the purpose of avoiding disruption or loss of productivity, and to ensure that “Staffing Agency” is providing excellent service to our clients. 

Solicitation and distribution of literature and other materials by “Staffing Agency” associates on “Staffing Agency’’s”  or our clients’ premises for any purpose, is prohibited during work time. Distribution is also prohibited at all times in “Staffing Agency’s”  or our clients’ working areas. “Work time” is the time when the person doing the soliciting or distributing, or the person being solicited or receiving the distribution, is or should be working. “Work areas” are those areas where associates and employees are regularly assigned to work duties, confer about work-related issues, or conduct business. This policy must be followed concurrently with any solicitation or distribution policies maintained by “Staffing Agency’s”  clients, which may be more specific than this policy. 

Any violation of this or a “Staffing Agency”clients’ policy may result in discipline, up to and including termination of an assignment or employment with “Staffing Agency”       . 

Use of Information Technology Resources: Because you may perform job tasks on laptops, desktops, network stations, mainframe and other Information Technology (IT) resources that belong to “Staffing Agency”  or our clients, you must comply with these rules. 

Do not:

  • Use client’s IT equipment for non-job-related activities 
  • Use another person’s user I.D., attempt to use a user I.D. for unauthorized purposes, or give your user I.D. or password to an unauthorized person 
  • Add, change, delete, download, upload or copy software to or from any client equipment 
  • Copy, distribute or use software or other information without first obtaining permission from the copyright owner 
  • Modify the software configuration (e.g., add a screensaver) 
  • Connect, remove or insert technology components or equipment, including floppy disks, CDs, modems, memory or processor chips or cards, unless specifically authorized 
  • Move equipment without explicit authorization from the client 
  • Produce, store, display, or trans material that is sexually explicit, suggestive, harassing or otherwise offensive 
  • Use equipment for any activity that is disparaging, defamatory, profane, maliciously offensive, libelous or slanderous or invades another’s privacy 
  • Use equipment for any activity which would harm “Staffing Agency”, its client or their images 
  • Send email to random recipients, email with executable software attached or email anything that contains or has attached any private, confidential or proprietary information belonging to either “Staffing Agency” or our client. 

“Staffing Agency” and our clients reserve the right to access and monitor your use of their company property, including the use of company data networks, to determine compliance with their policies. Your failure to comply with these policies may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. 

Confidentiality: All information to which you have access while on assignment by “Staffing Agency” is considered proprietary to “Staffing Agency’s” clients. You must agree to keep such information confidential and not disclose such information to anyone except those persons expressly authorized to have access thereto. You shall not use or permit the use by others of such information for any purpose(s) other than to perform the work or services as may be directed in conjunction with your assignment. 

Intellectual Property: Any and all discoveries, inventions (including but not limited to improvements or modifications) or literary or other works relating to the work you perform while on assignment or suggested by matters disclosed in conjunction with your assignment, whether or not patentable, copyrightable or otherwise subject to registration or protection which are made or conceived by you, solely or jointly with others, are works made for hire and shall be the property of “Staffing Agency” or its designee. You must agree to provide “Staffing Agency” or its designee with a complete written disclosure of each invention, discovery, literary or other work and further agree to sign necessary documents and give “Staffing Agency” or its designee all other reasonable assistance necessary to perfect and maintain whatever rights or its designee but without expense to yourself. 

At-Will Employment: Your employment with “Staffing Agency” is “at-will”. That means your assignment and/or your employment can be terminated for any reason, with or without cause and with or without notice. At the termination of your employment, “Staffing Agency” is not liable for wages or salary except those you earned prior to the date of termination. 

Unemployment Compensation: When you are unemployed or working less than full time and are ready, willing, and able to work, you may be eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance benefits. To file for Unemployment Insurance benefits, please refer to the “white pages” of your telephone directory. You are encouraged to file your claim for such benefits promptly. You may lose benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled if you delay in filing a claim. However, failure to comply with the policies contained herein may result in a denial of unemployment benefits. If you fail to comply with the Assignment Availability Policy listed above, Unemployment Compensation benefits may be denied. 


This section contains “Staffing Agency’s” Safety Policy, general safety rules, and your rights to Workers’ Compensation Insurance Benefits if you are injured on the job. You have the following rights under this program: 

To be advised of occupational safety and health hazards and to receive training about safe work conditions, practices and personal protective equipment. The client to whom you have been assigned will generally handle job-site safety training. 

To provide information to “Staffing Agency” about safety hazards or concerns, and to request information to make safety suggestions without fear of reprisal. 

You have the duty to comply with the following requirements to make the workplace safe for yourself and your fellow associates. You must: 

  1. Learn and understand the safe practices for the general work area and your job.
  2. Comply with safe work practices and personal protective equipment requirements for 

your job 

  1. Report all unsafe work conditions to your on-site supervisor and CountryWide Staffing          Solutions Group Specialist or Recruiter immediately. 
  2. Notify your Staffing Specialist or Recruiter of any changes in your job duties that differ from the ones you were sent to perform at the client location. 

It is our sincere hope that you will never be injured. However, if you are injured, we want you to receive the best medical care available without delay. Report all accidents immediately to your on-site supervisor and “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter. Report the accident even if medical treatment is not necessary. 

Please read this entire section of the Associate Handbook and refer whenever you have a question. It is dedicated to helping you work safely on the job. If a question is not answered or if you have any additional questions, please contact your “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter. 

“Staffing Agency” Safety Policy Statement: Workplace safety is our number one priority. “Staffing Agency” works continuously to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to establish and insist upon safe practices at all times by all associates and clients. Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Acts and good safety practice require all employers to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all of their associates. This requirement is especially difficult for a temporary help service because we have little direct control over the facilities where the majority of our associates work. Our primary goal is to achieve the greatest degree of freedom from accidents and to provide a safe healthy working environment. 

General Safety Rules: To reduce the risk of accidents in the workplace, the following general safety rules and procedures are preventative measures to be observed by all personnel. This will help you perform your job safely and help maintain safe working conditions. All associates shall familiarize themselves with these safety rules, which are company policy. These rules are the minimum guidelines for working safely. It is your duty to be aware and apply safe work habits while on the job. Before starting any “Staffing Agency” assignment, get a detailed description of your duties from your “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter. Do not perform any work you consider potentially dangerous to your safety or health without first discussing it with your “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter. 

Associate Safety Participation and Responsibility: It is your duty to know and follow all of the “Staffing Agency” ‘s  safety rules and procedures, as well as all of the client’s job- site safety rules and procedures. Each associate has specific responsibilities to ensure safety on the job. These include: 

  • Knowing your job responsibilities and always following job-site safety rules and safe work practices. 
  • Recognizing the hazards that may be present on the job and taking precautions to ensure the safety of yourself and others. 
  • Informing the client and “Staffing Agency”  of observed safety hazards and offering recommendations to improve safety. 
  • Actively participating and cooperating in the overall safety program of “Staffing Agency” and the client. 
  • Using all personal protective equipment provided by “Staffing Agency” and/or the client. 
  • In the event of an injury, reporting it immediately to the job-site supervisor and then to your “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter as soon as possible. 
  • Using the job-site first aid facilities when available and practical. 
  • Verifying that all machine guards and other protective devices are in place and properly adjusted. Report deficiencies promptly to the job-site supervisor and then to “Staffing Agency”       . 

Associate Safety Appraisal Program: All “Staffing Agency” associates are encouraged to provide first-hand information to us about safety concerns they may have relating to the job-sites to which they have been assigned. To make reporting such concerns easy, we will periodically send you a simple safety questionnaire. All you have to do is complete and return it. It will be pre addressed to “Staffing Agency” and pre-paid postage. Please do not fail to return this form. It is for your protection. 

Safety concerns reported on the safety appraisal form will be investigated and your name will be kept confidential. 

“Staffing Agency” Code of Safe Practices: This is general in nature and covers many types of business activities: 

  • All associates will follow job-site safety rules and report all unsafe conditions or practices to their job-site supervisor and “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter. “Staffing Agency” Specialists and Recruiters will insist that associates observe and obey all rules, regulations and directives required to achieve safe work conditions. They will take action as necessary to obtain compliance. 
  • Anyone known or suspected to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or any illegal or controlled substances will not be allowed on the job while in that condition and may face termination. 
  • No associate will knowingly be permitted or required to work while their ability or alertness is impaired by illness or other causes that might unnecessarily expose that individual or others to injury. 
  • Horseplay, practical jokes, scuffing and other acts that tend to endanger the safety or well-being of co-associates is prohibited. 
  • Work will be supervised to prevent injuries when working with equipment and when handling heavy materials. When lifting heavy objects, associates should use proper lifting techniques. (See “How to Lift” section for proper techniques.) 
  • Workers will not handle or tamper with any electrical equipment, air or water lines, or machinery in a manner not within the scope of their assigned duties, unless they have received authorization and instructions from their job-site supervisor and “Staffing Agency”       . 

If you are required to enter a production area, be constantly alert to moving machinery and equipment. Always stand clear of operating equipment of any kind. In designated areas, wear required personal protective safety equipment, (e.g., safety glasses, hearing protection, etc.) 

Industrial Safety Rules Always wear a hard hat in designated “hard hat” areas; safety glasses or goggles, safety gloves, back support belt and other protective equipment, etc., where advised or mandatory. The client will normally provide these items. If not, contact your “Staffing Agency”      Specialist or Recruiter for instructions. 

Other safe work personal attire

  • Shoes – always wear appropriate hard sole safety shoes. No open-toed shoes are permitted at any time. Canvas or nylon sport-type shoes cannot be worn on any industrial assignment. 
  • Clothes – do not wear ill-fitting or baggy clothes around moving machinery. Loose ribbons and dangling jewelry (gold chains, earrings, bracelets, etc.) are a safety hazard and must not be worn while working. 
  • Hair – long hair must be kept behind the neck and shoulders to prevent possible entanglement with machinery. 
  • Remove all body rings (finger, ear, etc.) before working around moving machinery or electrical equipment and while handling heavy objects. 
  • Do not operate any equipment that, in your opinion, is not in a safe condition. Inform your jobsite supervisor immediately. 
  • Do not operate any machinery or equipment without authorization and proper training. 
  • Practice good housekeeping by keeping your work area clean and uncluttered as you can. It will help to reduce the likelihood of an accident. 
  • Focus on your work, but be alert to what is going on around you. Understand your responsibility for your own safety. 
  • Obey all job-site safety rules, governmental regulations, signs, markings and instructions. Be particularly familiar with those that apply directly to you. If you do not know, ask! 
  • When lifting, use approved lifting techniques (i.e., bend your knees, grasp the load firmly and 

then raise the load keeping your back as straight as possible). Straightening the legs does the lifting. Again, please see the “How to Lift” section of this handbook. 

  • Never lift while your body is twisted. This puts the entire weight of equipment on the muscles of one side of your body and lower back. Ask for help when it is necessary to lift or move any object that, because of its weight or shape, is difficult for one person to handle safely. Associates are NOT allowed to lift objects in excess of 60 pounds without assistance. 
  • Avoid unnecessary talking, shouting or other loud noises that may distract or startle other associates from their work. 
  • Always use the right tools and equipment for the job. Use them safely and only when authorized. 
  • Be constantly alert of moving equipment and loads. Always stand clear of operation machinery and equipment. 
  • When working with lumber, remove or bend down all protruding nails. 
  • Do NOT run in the client’s building or across the client’s outside property. 
  • Do NOT pick up objects on the floor that may be a safety hazard. 
  • Report any spills to your job-site supervisor immediately. Do NOT wipe up any spill unless you have been trained and authorized to do so. 

Safety Rules for the Use of Power Tools: From time to time, the use of various power tools may be required as part of your work responsibilities. If so, the following power tool safety guidelines are to be followed: 

  • Understand the power tool. Learn the tool’s applications and limitations as well as the potential hazards involved. 
  • Never Abuse power cords. Do not carry tools by or yank the cords to disconnect them from receptacles. Keep cords away from heat, oil and sharp edges. 
  • Wear proper apparel. Loose clothing or jewelry can get caught in moving parts. 
  • Use safety glasses with all tools. Also, dust masks or respirators, when applicable. 
  • All tools should be grounded unless they are double insulated. If the tool is equipped with a three-prong plug, it should be plugged into a three-hole electrical receptacle. If an adapter is used to accommodate a two-prong receptacle, the adapter wire must be attached to a known ground. Never remove the third prong of a plug. 
  • Secure work. Use clamps or a vise to help hold and support work. It’s safer than using your hands. Both hands should be free to operate a tool. 
  • Do not remove or alter guards. Guards can only protect you from injury if they are in place and in working order.
  • Keep the work area clean. Cluttered areas and workbenches invite accidents. 
  • Protect your hands. Keep hands away from sharp edges and all moving parts. Gloves should NOT be worn while operating powered tools as they pose a significant danger to increasing an injury. 
  • Hold by insulated surfaces. If the tool comes in contact with live electrical wiring inside a wall, floor, ceiling, etc., it could become live itself. Always check work area for live wires and hold the tool by the insulated surfaces when in use. 
  • Avoid dangerous environments. Do not expose power tool to rain or use in damp, wet, gaseous, or explosive locations. Work areas should be well lit at all times. 
  • Use the right tools. Do not force a small tool or attachment to do the job designed for a larger tool. 
  • Keep visitors away. All visitors or unauthorized personnel should be kept a safe distance from

work areas. 

  • Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Make a habit of checking to see that keys and adjusting wrenches are removed from the tool before turning it on. Never use a damaged power tool. If you notice damage or excessive wear, report it to your jobsite supervisor. 
  • Grinding wheels. Use a grinding wheel at manufacturer’s recommended speed. Discontinue grinding if heavy vibration occurs. In some cases, vibration may cause the grinding wheel to fly apart. Always wear eye protection. 
  • Avoid accidental starting. Be sure the switch is off before plugging the tool into the power source. Do not carry plugged-in tools with a finger on the power switch. 
  • Accessories. The use of accessories other than those recommended for that tool may be hazardous. 
  • Do not force tools. Power tools are designed to function within specified speed ranges. 
  • Store idle tools. When tools are not being used, store in dry, secure areas. 
  • Do not overreach. Maintain proper footing and balance at all times. 
  • Disconnect tools. Before servicing or changing accessories, be sure to disconnect the tool from the energy source. 
  • Wear ear protection. Protect hearing from excessive noise. 

If you are asked to use any power tools other than those covered by the above rules, notify your “Staffing Agency” Specialist or Recruiter. 

HOW TO LIFT: It is something you can do every day – often without even thinking about it – on or off the job. Not thinking about it may be a big mistake, however. There is a widely recognized right way to lift. Without the proper technique, a seemingly simple lift may result in injury pulled muscles, hernias or painful back problems or injury. 

To aid you in lifting safely, always follow these seven basic steps: 

Step 1: Spread your feet. Place one foot alongside the object to be lifted and the other behind it. Spreading your feet gives you greater stability. Now, your rear foot is in position for the upward push needed for the lift. 

Step 2: Keep your back straight. Bend at the hips and knees, squat into a sit-down position, keeping your back as straight as possible. “Straight” means your spine, back muscles, and body are in proper alignment for lifting safely. 

Step 3: Shoulders back. Hold your shoulders back and your stomach in to keep your spine in line and firm. This will help to relieve pressure on the lower back. 

Step 4: Be sure you can lift it (size up the load). Extend your fingers and hands around the objet to be lifted. Use your full palm – your fingers have very little power on their own, so use the strength of your entire hand for the lift. Tip the load on its side to test its weight and determine if you can carry comfortably. Get help if the load is too big, too heavy, or too bulky for you to handle alone. NEVER ATTEMPT ANY LIFT UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU CAN SAFELY HANDLE IT!!! 

Step 5: Tuck in your arms and elbows. Draw load in close and tuck in your arms and elbows close to the side of your body. Your arms lose much of their strength by holding them away from your body. 

Step 6: Center your body weight. Position your body so that your weight is centered between your feet. This will ensure better balance and a stable lift. Begin your lift with a push off your rear foot. 


Step 7: Turn your forward foot out. Point your forward foot in the direction to plan to go. Turn your whole body to avoid twisting during the lift. It is one of the most common causes of back stress. Now, make the lift by using your strong leg muscles to stand up. 

  • Putting the Load Down o Keep back straight. o Avoid twisting body. o Squat down, bending at the knees. o Set load down and carefully release it. 
  • Additional Lifting Tips and Review o Use hand protection (gloves) if necessary. o Wear safety shoes to protect your feet. o Check load for rough strapping, sharp edges, splinters and exposed nails. o Move your feet to turn your whole body. Do not twist your upper body at the waist. o Ask for assistance if load weight is beyond your capabilities. 

THE OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD YOUR “RIGHT TO KNOW”. This standard established by the Federal OSH means that you have a “right to know” about the chemical hazards in the workplace. It is important to remember, however, that you have to protect yourself! Always be alert and safety-conscious when working with hazardous materials of any kind. 

What to do to protect yourself 

  • Read all labels and the Material Safety Data Sheet 
  • Follow warnings and instructions 
  • Use correct protective clothing and equipment provided 
  • Learn emergency procedures and use them when needed 
  • As questions when in doubt about the safety of any substances with which you are working 

What should you look for on labels? The manufacturer must label every container of chemical. Labels may differ in appearance, and may use words or symbols. But they must state such information as: 

  • The name of the chemical 
  • The name, address and emergency phone number of the manufacturer 
  • Special handling and storage information 
  • Health hazards (Is it an irritant or poisonous?) 
  • Physical hazards of the chemical (Can it explode or burn?) 
  • Recommended protective measures (such as clothing or equipment) when working with the chemical) 

Using the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): The MSDS is your guide to the basic information about each chemical in your work area. It provides the information you need to identify and work with or around hazardous substances. The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires an MSDS for each chemical in your work are. Moreover, you have the right to look at the MSDS if you feel you need more information about a chemical you’re working with. Ask your site supervisor to let you see it. Here is the information that an MSDS must provide: 

  • Identify – its chemical and its common names, who made it and where you can call for more information 
  • Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information – what’s in it, how much of each ingredient 
  • Physical/Chemical Characteristics – its boiling point, appearance, odor, vapor pressure and density, solubility in water, and other specific characteristics 

Fire and Explosion Hazard Data – flash point, firefighting materials, equipment and procedures 

  • Reactivity Data – is it stable/unstable? Conditions to avoid so it won’t react 
  • Health Hazard Data – permissible exposure limits, what bodily parts it may affect (skin, eyes, respiratory system, etc.) and emergency first aid procedures to treat excessive exposure, should it occur 
  • Precautions for Safe Handling and Use – waste disposal methods, handling precautions, required personal protective equipment such as respirators, goggles, gloves 
  • Control Measures – handling, storage, spills, leaks. 


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed the Hazard Communication Standard. It is for YOUR protection and establishes your “right to know about chemical hazards you may face on the job. 

  • Chemical Manufacturers. They must evaluate the hazards of each chemical they manufacture, and then let users know about them by using labels and the MSDS. 
  • Employers who use the chemicals. They must develop a written Hazard Communication program, tell their associates about it and explain how it works. They will also have to tell you about safety procedures and equipment you will use when working with hazardous substances. “Staffing Agency” is providing this information on how to recognize and use labels and the MSDS sheets. 
  • You, the associate. If you are assigned to work with or around chemicals in your area, please be alert, read the labels and MSDS, then follow instructions carefully. Remember, it’s up to you to read the label and follow the instructions BEFORE you open up or use the chemical. If you don’t understand the information, ASK YOUR JOB-SITE SUPERVISOR!

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) As a “Staffing Agency”associate, you may work in a broad range of environments with a variety of machinery and equipment. “Staffing Agency” works diligently to ensure not only that we assign you to work in safe places, but that you are provided with the proper PPE and training to maximize your safety on the job. Should you be assigned to a position that requires PPE, your “Staffing Agency” Representative will issue you the PPE and a brochure detailing the proper maintenance and use of PPE. When maintained, cared for and worn properly, PPE can help you avoid a serious injury. 

Cell Phone / Mobile Phone Usage Safety: Using a cell phone, mobile phone, or other wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle or other equipment poses a serious safety risk to you and those around you. This is strictly prohibited unless it is absolutely necessary for your job assignment and you use an appropriate hands-free adapter. 

Office Safety

  • Know your job and follow client safety rules, procedures and instructions. If you do not know the safe way to do the job, ask your job-site supervisor. 
  • Ergonomics – Adjust work stations to your personal needs (chair, keyboard, etc.). 
  • Be familiar with emergency exits and evacuation procedures. If office equipment is not working properly, turn the equipment off and report the malfunction to your job-site supervisor immediately. Worn electrical wiring, overloaded outlets, or defective equipment should not be used and should be reported to your job-site supervisor. 
  • Do NOT stand on chairs, tables, boxes or desks to obtain articles that may be out of reach. Ask for assistance. 
  • Do not attempt to move office equipment. Ask your job-site supervisor to arrange for any moving that is required. 
  • Keep desk and file cabinet drawers closed when not in active use to avoid tripping, tipping or striking. 
  • Be careful to avoid injuring hands when using duplicating, copying and/or addressing machines or paper cutters. 
  • If you are required to carry printed or other materials, the weight should be limited to 25 pounds or less. Ask for assistance if you feel the weight is too heavy for you. 
  • Carry large items in a manner that provides you with a clear visual path in the direction you are walking. Keep loads close to your body. To learn more about lifting, refer to the section titled “How to Lift” in this handbook. 
  • Use handrails to give support and balance when ascending or descending steps or stairs. Walk, do NOT run, in halls, rooms, passageways or on steps/stairs. Always keep to the right and approach corridor intersections carefully. Open doors slowly using the handle or push plate. Do not go into rooms or stairways that are properly lit. 
  • Practice good housekeeping by keeping your work area clean and orderly. Keep aisles and passageways open and uncluttered. 
  • Watch for conditions and situations, such as loose or torn carpeting, exposed electrical wiring and other objects on floors or stairways that are poorly lit. 
  • Report all unsafe conditions to your job-site supervisor immediately. This includes spills, broken furniture, broken glass, improperly operating elevators, and defective office equipment. 

“Staffing Agency” Privacy Notice for U.S. Residents: “Staffing Agency” cares about the privacy of our applicants, employees and clients. This notice contains information about how we handle your personal information. We collect and process your personal information for the following purposes where necessary: 

  • to maintain our contractual or business relationship with you, 
  • for employment-related services where applicable, 
  • to tell you about the products and services we offer, 
  • to contact and correspond with you, 
  • for the management and defense of legal claims and actions, compliance with court orders and other legal obligations and regulatory requirements, as otherwise permitted by law. 

“Staffing Agency” may disclose your personal information for these purposes to other “Staffing Agency”  entities, affiliates, suppliers, subcontractors who perform services on our behalf, clients if you are seeking employment, an acquiring organization if “Staffing Agency” is involved in the sale or transfer of some or all of its business, and where we are otherwise required to do so, such as by court order. 

“Staffing Agency” collects, processes, and discloses sensitive personal information, such as Social Security Numbers, only if required to comply with legal obligations, if there is a compelling business reason to do so, or with your consent. 



The Way It Was: In the early 20th century, a worker injured on the job had to sue his employer to recover medical expenses and lost wages. Lawsuits took months and sometimes years. Juries had to decide who was at fault and how much, if anything, would be paid. In most instances, the worker got nothing, it was costly, time consuming, and often unfair. 

The Way It Is: Today Workers’ Compensation provides a faster, fairer way to take care of injured workers…where fault does not have to be proven to recover medical expenses and lost wages. This job-injury insurance is paid for by your employer and supervised by the state. If you cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness, workers’ compensation pays your medical bills and provides money to help replace lost wages until you can return to work. 

Who is Covered? Almost every associate is protected by workers’ compensation. But there are a few exceptions. People in business for themselves and unpaid volunteers may not be covered. Similar laws cover maritime workers and federal associates. If you have a question about coverage, ask your employer. 

What is Covered? An injury or illness is covered if it is due to your job. It can be caused by one event, like a fall, or repeated exposures, such as repetitive motion over time. Everything from first aid type of injuries to serious accidents is covered. Workers’ Compensation even covers injuries including psychiatric injuries resulting from workplace crime. (Injuries from voluntary off-duty recreational, social, or athletic activity may not be covered.) Check with your supervisor or the claim administrator listed on the end of this section if you have any questions. 

Coverage is automatic and immediate. Protection begins the first minute you are on the job. 

What You Have To Do If You Are Injured On The Job: 

Immediately notify your site supervisor and your “Staffing Agency”, or the Claim Administrator so you can get medical help right away. 

Drug and Alcohol Screening: “Staffing Agency” will request a drug and/or alcohol screening when an on-the-job injury or illness occurs in accordance with this Handbook and your signed acknowledgement. Your refusal to consent to such screening may be grounds for termination. 

WORKERS’ COMPENSATION FRAUD IS A FELONY Anyone who makes or causes to be made any knowingly false or fraudulent material statement for the purpose of obtaining or denying Compensation benefits or payments is guilty of a FELONY. 

REMEMBER: You must follow the five steps detailed below in order to have your workers’ Compensation claim processed promptly: 

  1. Report the injury immediately to your job-site supervisor. 
  2. Call your “Staffing Agency” Representative without delay. He or she will 

get the necessary accident information from you. Seek the medical attention you need from our Medical Provider Network. Let your supervisor or “Staffing Agency” know if you need assistance getting to professional help. 

  1. Depending upon the type and nature of the injury you sustain, your job-site supervisor or 

“Staffing Agency” may either: 

  • Suggest first aid treatment at the job-site; or, 
  • Refer you to the nearest facility of our Medical Provider Network. 

Above all, do not treat yourself! Prompt, professional care is the best investment you’re your recovery. 

In some instances, the physician or medical facility may ask you for information about your injury. Your cooperation is very important in gathering this vital information. Without complete information, the medical provider cannot properly treat you and your injuries. 

We will promptly coordinate the remaining claims procedure with our insurance carrier or claims administrator. You may call us with any questions you have about payments or returning to work. 

For additional information, please contact: “Staffing Agency” Claims Manager at 816-282-6288.

I acknowledge by my initials and/or signature below that I have been informed I am an employee of “Staffing Agency”. As such, I agree to the following: 

I have read, understand and promise to adhere to “Staffing Agency”policies, which include, but are not limited to: 

  • At-Will Employment 
  • Direct Deposit & Pay Methods 
  • Harassment-Free Workplace & Complaint Procedures 
  • Violence-Free Workplace 
  • Recreational Activities 
  • Leaves of Absence 
  • Safety 
  • Facts About Workers’ Compensation 
  • Equal Employment Opportunity I have reasonable access via the Internet to “Staffing Agency” Employee Handbook. I agree to mandatory drug testing following any workers’ compensation injury. I agree that, if at any time during my employment I am subjected to any kind of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, age, or disability, or if I am subjected to any type of harassment, including sexual harassment, I will immediately contact “Staffing Agency’s”  Branch Manager at 816-282-6288 in order to obtain assistance in the resolution of such matters.
Busline Information

We want to provide information to our associates that will allow them to plan on getting to work safely and on time each day.  Below is some information regarding the busline.  If you require public transportation to get to and from work, please call the number below to insure they have a convenient route for you.

Transit is the new official app of RideKC. Download Transit to upgrade your transit experience with improved trip planning and real-time information.

Learn about the fare options that work best for you by calling 816-221-0660.

Vest Savings Plan

Did you know we offer a Savings Plan for all our associates?

Whether you are saving for Christmas, Vacation, a new Car or any other goals, we make it easy to save!

We provide you easy access to your money at any time.  No banks, no need for approval to take money out.  You can save as much or as little each week to help you meet your goals.

When you start your job with Vest Professional Placement, ask about our Savings Plan!

Dress for Success

We hear sayings like “dress for the job you want; not the job you have” and “look good, feel good” all the time. Most people don’t really believe in them, but we try to match our attire to the occasion nevertheless. The good news is that research into the impact of clothes on behavior now suggests that there may actually be a grain of truth in these sayings. Science says that the clothes we wear affect our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others.

There are a variety of places to get nice work clothes at a low cost.  Garage Sales, Thrift Stores, and Consignment Shops, to name a few.  

Pick out a few items to give you confidence on your new job.

How to get a Food Handler's Permit

If you are going to be handling food at any establishment in Jackson County, you are required to have a Food Handler Permit.

The purpose of the Kansas City food handlers training program is to prepare food handlers to enter the workforce by providing the required food safety information as specified by regulations of the workers’ state or local government.

If you need a food handlers permit for Independence, you must contact the Independence Health Departments directly for food handler permits.

If you have questions please see contact information, below.




COVID 19 Questions

Do you have to pay to have a COVID-19 Test?

COVID-19 tests are available at no cost nationwide at health centers and select pharmacies.

Do you have to pay for to get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

The federal government is providing vaccines FREE OF CHARGE to all people living in the United States, regardless of their immigration or health insurance status. Ensuring that everyone in the United States can receive a COVID-19 vaccine helps us get closer to the goal of achieving population immunity.


Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I get paid?

We pay weekly for the hours you worked the previous week. We offer Direct Deposit directly to your bank account, or will provide you a Cash Pay Card. Our payday is Friday.
Vest Savings Plan is very popular. This allows you to save money on a separate card to use whenever you need it, or save it for Christmas, a weekend getaway, etc., without having a bank account.

How do I apply?

Applying is simple. Click on the Apply Now button to complete the application. Once this is completed you can schedule a time for a phone interview. No need to come to our office!

Do you work with Felons?

Yes, we do. However, some of the companies we staff for have policies that require background checks. In those cases, based on your background, we may not be able to place you at those facilities.

Can you get hired at any of the jobs you offer?

Absolutely! Most of the jobs we offer are temporary to hire. After you have worked the contracted hours, your employer has the option to hire you. This is based on your attendance, job performance, attitude, etc., and is up to the company you are working for to make that decision.

What is your attendance policy?

If you expect to be tardy or absent to a position, you must call or text us 2 hours before your scheduled start time. Our office has 24-hour voice mail and the capability to text directly to our office phone number. If you miss work for any reason without notifying us prior; a “no call, no show” to an assignment is immediate grounds for termination.

What ID do I need?

If you expect to be tardy or absent to a position, you must call or text us 2 hours before your scheduled start time. Our office has 24-hour voice mail and the capability to text directly to our office phone number. If you miss work for any reason without notifying us prior; a “no call, no show” to an assignment is immediate grounds for termination.

Find a Job Today 

Find a Job Today

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Get In Touch Or Come Visit

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Apply With Vest Professional Placement Today to Start Your New Job Search!

12626 E US Hwy 40,
Independence, MO 64055

Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (excluding Holidays)

Email us: Recruiters@VestPros.com

Call us: 816-282-6288



" I have to say, it's been a pleasant experience working with this company. Very professional, courteous, and prompt. Was able to find consistent work, both short- and long-term with ease. Company policies are very fair, as they reward employees for consistent attendance, hard work, and reliability... For those of you looking for work, unlike a lot of their competitors in the area, they really do hold us applicants to a high standard. The background checks are thorough (I was given the chance to see the results of mine, and the Recruiter explained what everything meant), the drug tests are quick and results are near instantaneous. They pay on-time, consistently, without any hassle, and are there if I had any questions. Great experience overall, and I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking to actually work and work on a career."

Justin B. 

"Good People Great Experience! I would recommend this company to everyone!"

Liz P. 

"These people are just Awesome! They've helped me out a couple times"

Benny S. 

"Would definitely recommend to someone that need some work."

Jess T.
