No response on your resume?  

Here are a few reasons an employer may not respond to your resume.

1. The job was already filled.
Sometimes companies post job openings as a formality, despite already having an internal candidate in mind for the position.

2. The employer was flooded with applications.
An employer may receive hundreds of resumes for one opening. If they review several qualified applicants, they stop reviewing and schedule interviews. If they don’t make a hiring decision, they could always review more.

3.  Your salary requirements were too high.
If your salary is quite a bit more than their budget, it could be immediately skipped over.

4.  Your resume wasn’t tailored to the job.
Employers scan the document for keywords. If they don’t see the keywords that are important to the position, they may skip over your resume.  For example:  If the posting states looking for a “Warehouse Worker” with  “Inventory Control” and “Receiving” skills,  add these phrases to your resume.

5.  You didn’t follow instructions.
Job postings sometimes state specific items to include with their resume. For example, “maybe the employer required you to submit a cover letter, references, etc.  If you don’t follow the directions, they may disregard your resume.

6. You weren’t the right fit.
In some cases, you won’t hear back from an employer because you simply weren’t a good match for the position, based on previous work history.

What to do if there is no response?
Follow up!  “Until you’ve been told by a company that it’s not interested in you, don’t give up.”

Send an email with the  job title as the subject. State your interest and include reasons why you’re a perfect fit for the job. Ask if your application is still being considered. If you still don’t receive a response, move on.

Best of luck!