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Legal Policies
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity has been and continues to be both policy and practice at Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC. Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC. provides equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants without regard to age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other protected status in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws.
This policy governs all areas of employment at Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC., including recruiting, hiring, training, assignments, promotions, compensation, benefits, discipline and terminations.
In addition, Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC., does not discriminate against any temporary employee or applicant in work assignments, does not invite or honor discriminatory job orders or requests by clients, and does not ”code” applications or other documents to record the status of any applicant or employee.
Any employee who violates this Policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including the possibility of discharge.

Prohibition of Harrassment

It is Vest Professional Placement Firms policy that all employment relationships shall be conducted in an environment that is not hostile or offensive. Harassment based on an individual’s age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or marital status, or any other basis prohibited by applicable local, state, or federal law will not be tolerated at Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Verbal Harassment, such as making a joke or comment that refers to a certain ethnic group, race, sex, nationality, age, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief, epithets, derogatory comments, vulgar or profane words and expressions, or slurs;
Physical Harassment, such as assault and blocking, impairing or otherwise physically interfering with an individual’s normal work or movement;
Sexual Harassment, such as unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors; verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as name-calling, obscene jokes, sexually suggestive comments or insulting sounds; graphic or verbal comments of a sexual nature about a person’s anatomy; or displaying at work sexually suggestive objects, posters, drawings or pictures.
If you believe that you have been subject to harassment by a supervisor, management official, fellow employee, customer, client, vendor or any other person in connection with your employment at Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC., you should immediately bring the matter to the attention of your supervisor or placement counselor. If the complaint involves your immediate supervisor or placement counselor or if you feel uncomfortable discussing the matter with your supervisor or placement counselor, report the matter to the Branch Manager.
All complaints of harassment will be investigated promptly and, where necessary, corrective action will be taken, Any investigation of such complaints will be treated as confidentially as possible. No employee will be punished or suffer any adverse employment action as a result of bringing any good faith harassment complaint to our attention.
Any supervisor, agent, or other employee who is found to have engaged in harassment or retaliation against an employee for exercising rights protected by this policy will be subject to appropriate discipline, up to and including discharge. This policy governs all areas of employment at Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC., including recruiting, hiring, training, assignments, promotions, compensation, benefits, discipline, and terminations.
In addition, Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC., does not discriminate against any temporary employee or applicant in work assignments, does not invite or honor discriminatory job orders or requests by clients, and does not ”code” applications or other documents to record the status of any applicant or employee.
Any employee who violates this Policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including the possibility of discharge.

Prohibition of Harrassment

Illegal Drugs
The use, distribution, dispensation, sale, offering for sale, possession, purchase, manufacture, or trading of illegal drugs on Vest Professional Placement Firms premises, client premises, or in any other work-related environment is strictly prohibited. The prohibition of illegal drug activity includes occasions when an employee is representing Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC. or one of Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC.’s clients at events and meetings beyond normal.
Employees are not permitted to consume alcohol while on Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC.’s premises, client premises, or while conducting Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC. business.
Prescription and OTC Drugs
Employees are prohibited from the misuse or abuse of prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.
Policy Violations
Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Get In Touch Or Come Visit

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Apply With Vest Professional Placement Today to Start Your New Job Search!

12626 E US Hwy 40,
Independence, MO 64055

Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (excluding Holidays)

Email us:

Call us: 816-282-6288



" I have to say, it's been a pleasant experience working with this company. Very professional, courteous, and prompt. Was able to find consistent work, both short- and long-term with ease. Company policies are very fair, as they reward employees for consistent attendance, hard work, and reliability... For those of you looking for work, unlike a lot of their competitors in the area, they really do hold us applicants to a high standard. The background checks are thorough (I was given the chance to see the results of mine, and the Recruiter explained what everything meant), the drug tests are quick and results are near instantaneous. They pay on-time, consistently, without any hassle, and are there if I had any questions. Great experience overall, and I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking to actually work and work on a career."

Justin B. 

"Good People Great Experience! I would recommend this company to everyone!"

Liz P. 

"These people are just Awesome! They've helped me out a couple times"

Benny S. 

"Would definitely recommend to someone that need some work."

Jess T.
