Job Searching in 2021

Although service positions like hotel housekeeping and food service workers are starting to open up, there are employees still looking for work.  

Focus on your skills rather than the actual job you had before the pandemic.  There are positions that may be similar that you could consider.  For housekeepers and food service workers, look into hospital and assisted living type facilities.  There are a lot of employers searching for solid workers with resumes that show longevity with each employer.  If you have work experience similar and are willing to learn, now is the time to try out other industries.

If you are unsure if you would like a different industry, a staffing agency might be your best choice.  For example, recruiters interview for a variety of positions and understand the struggle job seekers are going through.  Recruiters are trained to look at skills, location, shift availability and company culture to place job seekers at a place they can excel.  However, if you do not like the job, you would notify the staffing company and have them look at other alternative job openings for you.  Many times you will have the option of working at a company full-time or decide to work some temporary jobs until your previous job comes available again, or you find something else.

You may have to take a less desirable job for a short period of time, but stay positive and keep informed of upcoming job openings!