
Is it better to use a staffing agency or just hire on your own?

This video briefly gives examples of the myths of using a staffing agency, what is included in the price and if this would be the best option for your company.

Staffing agencies are like your own personal Human Resource department. The company explains the job detail and the staffing agency starts recruiting for the skill sets you are looking for to fill this job. Companies are never obligated to hire a candidate the staffing agency presents.

Staffing agencies give you the flexibility to interview, observe the candidate while working to make the best decision on hiring for your company. This also works for the candidate. The candidate has the opportunity to try the job, meet coworkers and decide if the job would be a good career move. This cuts down on training time and unnecessary turnovers.

Before the job is offered or accepted, both the hiring manager and candidate have observed the job duties, skills needed, etc.

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Before you accept the job offer…

You got the job offer and you are excited, but before you accept the offer here are a few things you should think about.

Do you understand the job duties you will be doing every day?
Were you given the hours you are scheduled to work?

If you don’t have the answers, simply ask for a copy of the job description and review all of the expectations and responsibilities.  If you see a difference between the job description and what you discussed, call the manager to get clarification.  The managers are usually happy to answer any questions.

Is the salary in line with similar positions and are you able to negotiate?
What does the benefit package include, the cost and when does your eligibility begin?

It is always easier to negotiate these items before you start the job.  Also, ask for a formal offer letter and make sure the salary is put in writing.

Are you comfortable with your boss-to-be? Co-workers? Company culture?

If you didn’t spend a lot of time with your supervisor during the interview process, ask to set up a meeting with them before accepting the position to ask questions and test your working relationship.  You can also ask to talk to another employee who report to the same supervisor to ask questions about their management style  or what they like best about working for them.

Are you more excited about your new position or the job offer?
Does the position line up with your skills and job experience?
Will the position help you advance in your professional goals?

Spend some time thinking about your goals and if this position will keep you on track.  It is better to ask for a couple days to consider the offer than to start looking again in a few months.

Best of Luck!