Core skills to make you stand out in an interview or at work.

Depending on the career and profession you choose to work in, there could be very specific skills, abilities and knowledge needed to do the job.  There are some core skills that will make you effective at work, whatever job you do.  They are sometimes known as transferable skills because you develop them over time and take them with you as your career develops.  You need to reflect back on your previous work experiences to give examples of these transferable skills.

  1. Business awareness.  This skill is about knowing how a business or industry works and what makes a company successful.  Explaining that you have an understanding of what the organization does, their products or services and how it competes in the market.  An idea of their company culture and what they need to do to succeed.
  2. Communication.  This includes verbal and written communication, and of course, listening skills.  It is important to be clear and focused, the ability to get your message across and on point for those listening
  3. Teamwork.  It is important to show examples of how you are a team player but also have the ability to take on responsibility and handle things on your own.  It is important to come across that you contribute to a positive working relationship that will allow others to achieve goals.
  4. Negotiation skills.  This skill allows you to set goals and achieve them with the understanding that a co-worker might have a different perspective so that you can both achieve your goals while working together.
  5. Problem solving skills.  The ability to be able to take an analytical approach to solving problems and resolving issues.  It is good to show that you can approach problems from different perspectives.
  6. Organizational skills.  Showing that you can prioritize, work efficiently, and manage your time effectively.  Examples of how you stayed focused and met deadlines, 
  7. Motivation.  Employers want employees to be self motivated.  It is beneficial to show employers that you’re the kind of person who will find a way, even when the going gets tough.
  8. Confidence.  It is important to be confident in yourself, not to mistake this as arrogant.  Have confidence in co-workers and the company you worked for.

Best of luck!