Hiring employees in 2023 is not easy. With the changing landscape of the job market, employers are struggling to fill the positions.

One reason why it is hard to hire talent is due to the demand for skilled labor. This demand has been steadily increasing over the past few years, and is only expected to rise.

As the economy grows, more businesses are trying to hire employees with specialized skills to remain competitive. This is creating a situation where employers have to compete for talent, and this competition can drive up wages and make it more difficult to find the right fit who is interested in working for your company.

Another reason is due to the cost of benefits. Employers are offering more benefits packages in order to attract the best talent. This means that employers are shelling out more money to provide addition paid vacation time, and other miscellaneous benefits. These costs add up quickly and can put a strain on an employer’s budget.

Since 2022 the job seeker has been in control. Job seekers understand the struggle and expect to be compensated even more during this time.

If you have been in a situation where you hired talent and shortly realized they were not the right fit, please give us a call. Our staffing agency offers a service called “Probationary Hiring.” This service allows the employer to observe talent, that thier company recruited, until the final decision to hire them or let them go is made. No minimum timeframe! You can hire them or we will end their assignment, at any time.

For more information on our Probationary Hiring Service click the following link. https://vestpros.com/employers/

Learn about Vest Professional Placement. https://vestpros.com/about-us/

Questions? Give us a call at 816-282-6288

Vest Professional Placement