How to hire someone for your company?

How to hire someone for your company?

Hiring the right person for a job is one of the most important decisions that a company can make. A successful hire can bring new ideas, energy, and productivity to a team, while a poor hire can lead to frustration, missed deadlines, and even legal trouble. The...
Building a team for your workplace or job searching?

Building a team for your workplace or job searching?

Looking for the perfect job or building a new team? Look no further! Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC, is here to help. We offer tailored staffing solutions for businesses and job seekers throughout the Kansas City Metro area. Whether you’re looking for...
10 Reasons  a Company should use a Staffing Agency in 2023

10 Reasons a Company should use a Staffing Agency in 2023

10 REASONS WHY A COMPANY SHOULD USE A STAFFING AGENCY Access to a wider pool of talent: Staffing companies have access to a larger pool of qualified candidates, which makes it easier for companies to find the right person for the job. Cost savings: Staffing companies...
How to choose the best Staffing Agency for your company?

How to choose the best Staffing Agency for your company?

Finding the right staffing agency can be a game-changer for your business. Staffing agencies can help you find the right talent quickly, save you time and money, and provide a range of other benefits. However, not all staffing agencies are created equal. In order to...
Importance of using a Staffing Agency

Importance of using a Staffing Agency

A staffing agency is a company that provides temporary or permanent workers to other companies. Staffing agencies play a crucial role in helping businesses find the right talent for their organization, and in today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business...

Staffing Myths and Staffing Agency Benefits!

@vestprofessionalplacement2239 Is it better to use a staffing agency or just hire on your own? This video briefly gives examples of the myths of using a staffing agency, what is included in the price and if this would be the best option for your company. Staffing...