What happens after I start a job through a staffing agency?

After you’re placed in a job, your experience may vary depending on the terms of your employment and the specific agency you’re working with. However, here are some things that may happen:

You will start working at the company where you’ve been placed, however, you will be an employee of the staffing agency.

Pay, benefits, and other employment questions will come from the staffing agency. The agency will handle your pay, taxes, and other employment-related matters. The staffing agency is your employer of record.

Since you will be working at the client company, you will be expected to follow the policies and procedures of where you’re working. The job-site will have a supervisor that you will report to and will oversee your work. You may also have a point of contact at the staffing agency who you can contact with any questions. It is important to stay in touch with the staffing agency, things like a change of address or phone number is critical for a staffing agency to contact you.

If the job is temporary, you may have an end date to your assignment. However, if you do a good job and the company has a opening, there may be opportunities for your assignment to be extended or for you to be hired. It is common for a temporary job opening turn in to a full-time job. Ability to follow directions, dependability and attitude are the most import assets an employer looks for.

If your assignment ends, contact the staffing agency to let them know you are no longer on the job and go over any new skills you obtained or changes in your requirements for your next job opportunity.

We love to hear from job seekers, if you have any questions, give us a call, we have a variety of jobs!

Vest Professional Placement Firm, LLC