Preparing for a Phone Interview

Research the company and the position.
What do you know about the company and the job opening.  The recruiter is checking to see if the candidate is truly interested in the company and the job, or if they are applying for anything and winging it.  Recruiters can tell the difference.

Why do you want this position?
This question will most likely be asked.  Instead of making this answer about you, (close to home, the hours are perfect, etc.) make it about your genuine interest in the job. If you have specific reasons for being excited about the role, share them! You’ll stand out for your honest, candid answers.

What are your salary requirements?
Recruiters know this is a hard question, however, this question is asked to make sure we are not wasting a candidate’s time.  In my case, if the candidate asks for a salary that I could not offer, I tell that person at that time.  We understand you might be disappointed, but it is important to be honest of the salary you will accept.  The last thing anyone wants is to go through the entire interview process only to find out the job was not accepted because of pay.   It is better to find out early in the process and decide if you would meet the recruiter in the middle and be open about what you’re hoping to earn.

Phone interviews are a tough part of the interview process.  Review your notes, go to a quiet area with good phone reception and no distractions. It takes practice to thoroughly answer questions without rambling..   Be confident, don’t overthink the questions, be candid and honest.  Being confident in yourself and in your reasons why you would like this job is enough.